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The investor and developer of logistics warehouses and distribution parks, GLP, has reached an agreement with Romar Global Care for the construction and lease of a 50,401 square meter turnkey building.

Nacex, Logista’s express courier company, has inaugurated its new logistics platform in the Alicante town of Monforte del Cid. The event to present the new center was attended by Manel Orihuela, CEO of Nacex, and María Dolores Berenguer, mayoress of Monforte del Cid.

Driven by the change in procurement policies and production delocalization, the Valencian operator Anexa Logística has announced the acquisition of a new warehouse with which it has increased its storage capacity by 50%…

Green building: the interest does not ceaseFast fire doors in times of fireRents in the green building market on the riseFerroflex’s fast stacking doors, a great solution for industrial buildingsInterview with Ramón Lázaro, commercial director of GSE

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Sir Arthur John Gielgud OM CH was a British actor and theater director whose career spanned eight decades. Along with Ralph Richardson and Laurence Olivier, he was one of three actors who dominated the British theatrical stage for much of the 20th century.

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This table contains Gielgud’s roles as a professional on the theatrical stage as far as is known. It also includes occasions when he acted and directed, but not those productions in which he was a director but did not appear on stage.

Gielgud participated in numerous radio broadcasts in his career, between interviews, poetry readings, and talks on theater and acting.[101] The following is a list of plays in which he was involved.

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El sitio web piloto, The writings of Charles Darwin on the web (, se puso en marcha en agosto de 2002, alojado en el servicio de espacio web gratuito de la British Library. El proyecto fue financiado de forma privada por van Wyhe. Se reunieron muchos voluntarios (sobre todo Sue Asscher, del Proyecto Gutenberg) y algunos estudiantes voluntarios de la NUS. Entre 2002 y 2003 se añadieron muchas de las publicaciones de Darwin, aunque debido a la falta de financiación externa, muchas de ellas sólo en ediciones tardías o americanas, como solución provisional hasta que se pudieran conseguir primeras y otras ediciones.

A mediados de 2003 se decidió solicitar financiación para ampliar y mejorar Darwin en línea. En enero de 2004 se incorporó Antranig Basman como director técnico. Janet Browne se unió a van Wyhe tras presidir una reunión en la Biblioteca Universitaria de Cambridge entre Darwin Online, The Charles Darwin Trust, la Biblioteca Universitaria de Cambridge y The Darwin Correspondence Project, para discutir la futura cooperación. Randal Keynes también se convirtió en un importante colaborador y asesor clave.

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